AUDIO BOOK: A Catholic View of Protestantism by Fr. John Hardon, S.J.

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In September of 2020 I was encouraged by a friend to listen to a lecture by the late Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. on the state of American Protestantism. In his six-hour lecture, Fr. Hardon mentioned books that he had written which had gone out of print. One of them was called “Christianity in Conflict – A Catholic View of Protestantism.” I did some searching and found that the book had been made available in limited quantity  as a re-print by Scholar Select, and I was able to get my hands on it. Since the book is now in the public doman, I thought it might be a worthy project to record the entire book as a narrated audio book. This page will become the place where I put the audio files of each chapter once I finish recording them. I won’t provide a bio or background info on Fr. Hardon since that work has been done through a website devoted to his prolific work here.